The major worry for any business (however small or large) owner is a consistently declining top-line (Revenue) and an ever shrinking bottom-line (Profit). While a “Business” is dependent on multitude of reasons for its immediate and eventual growth, in a rapidly evolving and competitive market scenario, the onus of its survival, sustainability and success, is only dependent on the daily involvement of owner in its operational effectiveness. The poking question, however, is – Can a Business Owner spend enough time daily to attain the desired profitability? Well, the truth is that with eroding market share due to the advent of a lot of local and global competitors, across industries, a business owner needs to focus more on the business development activities, than on ensuring daily effectiveness of business operations. How then, can an owner ensure a trade-off between expanding the channels of business acquisition and office supervision, to ascertain that the sales of goods (and services) will keep happening as expected even when the boss is away!

Software, as a facilitator of automating tasks has tremendously created the ease with which businesses operate around the globe. For owners, if reports like Cash Flow projection, Inventory consumption, Debtors Outstanding, Debtors Turnover, Stock Valuation, Comparative Balance Sheet etc. are available in their mailboxes on a hourly/ daily/ weekly/ monthly basis, then the daily hassle of sitting with different employees (or at least with the accountant), to gauge the health of the business, will become a redundant task. With close to three decades of its existence in the IT industry, Tally.ERP9 Software has transformed the way businesses operate and has adapted as per the dynamic needs of the country’s small and medium businesses.

While witnessing some of the major reforms like VAT and GST in India, Tally as a business solution provider, always aligned its philosophy with the “Mindset of Indian Businessman” and tailored its offerings as per the evolving mindset of this entity. However, over the years, owners have shifted their focus from leveraging on their business’ core competence, to attainment of marginal efficiencies, due to lack of time and diminishing profits, which resulted in reduction of their expected involvement in understanding and analyzing (along with quick access to) the health metrics of their business. The foundation of most of the successful traditional businesses was not just the sales figures but the rotation of cash as well, which was more critical for effective planning of stock for production and eventual sales. Isn’t it more prudent to have lesser debtors with a lower receivable period than to have more debtors with a poor track record of paying back? With an increasing dependence on staff to take decisions, business owners have gradually minimized their usage of the most preferred Business Software in India – Tally.ERP9, which, if accessed effectively by owners, can help them improve and accelerate the planning, decisions, margins and return-on-investment for their businesses.

Premise of a Business Software like Tally, is to equip an owner with more benefits like saving time, convenient working, flexibility in running business, security of data and above all – peace of mind – thereby simplifying his life. Some of the inbuilt functions in Tally.ERP9, which facilitate the same, are – Reminder Mails, Remote Access to Business, Access Control, Seamless Data Flow,

Availability of Reports in multiple formats etc. A wide array of benefits offered  by Tally software have evolved over the last few years, considering the inputs given by lakhs of businesses across the country. As a business grows in volume/ operations/ team size/ existence, it needs to analyze the trend of sales, purchase, receivables, payables etc. across years, geographies, buyers, sellers, to get actionable business insights and informed decision making, to scale efficiency and effectiveness of operations. An owner cannot only rely on his staff to acquire this intelligence and is therefore more reliant on Tally software to fetch this timely data and information, which can enable a businessman to take accurate decisions on the go. Additionally, a regular access of company’s key metrics of revenue and profitability, along with summary of operational costs, reveals a lot about the working of office staff behind an owner’s back.

While the Tally software offers a lot to any owner who is able to garner the intelligence that is inherent in the foundation of this leading software for small and medium businesses, there is one more factor that is critical to the success of utilizing Tally for business growth – selecting a trusted/ knowledgeable/ certified Tally Partner – who can support an owner by aligning the usage of Tally.ERP9 with his business objectives. From a large ecosystem of IT vendors/ Tally Partners in Delhi NCR, a business owner can select the apt Tally Partner for growth of his business by reaching out to Shri Nanak Global Solutions. With a legacy of two decades of IT advisory services, this Certified Tally Partner has relentlessly contributed to the continuity, improvement and excellence of more than 1000 satisfied businesses in Delhi NCR. The motto of Partner’s organization is to have meaningful conversation with business owners and not sales, which helps in collaborating with businesses for their growth and helping owners experience the power of simplicity in Tally software.

So, is Tally a software merely meant to address the issues faced by accounts people in maintaining manual ledgers/ accounts on a computer, simplify their daily working and make their life easier, or a comprehensive business solution, which, if utilized judiciously, will not only benefit in strengthening the backbone

– Accounts – of a business but also attain the much bigger benefit of realizing “The Going Concern” principle for the Business and its Owner, so that the Business Owner can focus more on the “Sustenance” than on the “Surveillance”  of the Business!!